At least we do when the sun is shining. Our PV system can generate up to 265 kWh on high-yield days. That covers our total consumption in the production department, our warehouse and our offices. And when the sun isn't shining, we get our electricity from renewable sources.
We were wondering what the best way to do that was. And came up with the following answer: In the future, we will produce the nitrogen needed for our laser machine ourselves. We can also do this at the weekend when our PV system carries on busily collecting energy.
We put our heads together once a month to discuss how we can promote climate protection. Of course, our boss, Ludwig Beckers - the driving force behind our ideas - also takes part. And what also really helps is that one of our colleagues in the environmental team has actually studied environmental management.
We are also amongst those who believe in tried-and-tested classic models: Our company bike can be used by all our employees to commute between our warehouse, the production department and our offices - in a totally CO²-neutral fashion. Or it can even be used to run small errands in the vicinity...
More and more company cars at ABS are now either hybrid or all-electric models. They can be charged at a number of different charging stations in our car park. And what (little) remains in the way of exhaust fumes is compensated with the help of the climate protection organisation atmosfair.