DGUV - German statutory accident insurance
DGUV Publication 201-054 “Roof, carpentry and timber construction work” addresses entrepreneurs and deals with how to implement all the different health and safety regulations when working on roofs.
Roof work includes the construction, maintenance, alteration and removal of roof structures, cladding, panelling and waterproofing as well as their substructures.
Work carried out on building components which adjoin, section off or penetrate a roof surface are also categorised as roof work. Examples of such components are gutters, parapets, dormers, the eaves, lightning conductors and domed rooflights.
However, snow removal, work on photovoltaic systems and concreting work are not considered to be roof work.
DGUV Publication 201-054 deals with the topic of fall protection in chapters 3 and 4. In these two chapters, a whole range of situations and fields of application as well as the prescribed solutions for securing users are described. Basically, measures to prevent individuals from falling are required as soon as the potential fall distance exceeds one metre. In workplaces or along access routes adjacent to or above materials into which it is possible to sink, a fall protection device must be used regardless of the fall distance. The fall protection options discussed include collective protection measures based on lateral protection, as well as fall arrest systems and personal fall protection equipment (PPE). Collective protection is always to be given preference over PPE equipment. The use of PPE is only permissible if collective protection is not feasible for reasons of occupational safety or due to structural conditions.
In this DGUV publication, the exceptions discussed in the ASR A2.1 technical rules for workplaces are referred to. Further information on this topic can be found in our entry on ASR A2.1.
PPE equipment is used for roof work in cases where other protection measures cannot be realised for reasons of occupational safety or due to the structural conditions. PPE usage is dependent on the availability of suitable anchorage devices to which trained users can attach their protective equipment and where this connection can be relied on 100%. This is the case, for example, where the PPE equipment cannot accidentally become detached from the anchorage device. In addition, the anchorage system must be capable of withstanding an applied force of 9 kN - with failure ruled out. For each additional individual secured by the respective anchorage device, the force must be increased by 1 kN.
Individual fall arrest measures, such as personal fall protection equipment, may only be used by personnel that has been accordingly trained. This ensures that the installed fall protection solution can be totally relied upon. In addition, it is also necessary to provide training on how to apply the rescue measures provided for in the company’s rescue concept. These training sessions must also include practical drills in which the participants can take part.