General terms
The deployment of a Safety and Occupational Health Coordinator (German: "SiGeKo") on a building site is required by Section 3 of the BaustellV Ordinance (German ordinance concerning health and safety on building sites) where employees of several different companies (trades) are working on a building site at any one time. Despite being appointed by the building owner, the SiGeKo is not empowered to issue directives to these construction companies.
The SiGeKo determines the necessary occupational health and safety measures, coordinates their implementation and ensures that they are complied with and also supports the development of suitable measures to generally improve occupational health and safety onsite. The range of advisory tasks covered by this coordinator is based on the implementation of Section 4 of the German Act on the Implementation of Measures of Occupational Safety and Health during the planning and construction phases of the building project. The tasks of the SiGeKo correspond to the Federal regulations for occupational health and safety on construction sites (German: “RAB”). One of the most important tasks of the SiGeKo is to compile a health and safety plan (German: “SiGe Plan”). This contains the details of all the individually-developed regulations and information that, in accordance with the Act on the Implementation of Measures of Occupational Safety and Health, are designed to ensure that the health and safety of the construction workers are not endangered. The topic of implementing fall arrest for individuals is an important factor - as is securing the construction site from the outside world.
According to the RAB regulations, the following expertise is essential for someone to be classified as being a “suitable coordinator”: Knowledge of the construction trade, knowledge of occupational health and safety, coordination skills and at least two years’ work experience in planning and/or carrying out construction projects. These skills and expertise must be verified through the presentation of appropriate testimonials, certifications or references.