ABS-Lock V-B
Unobtrusive anchorage point - designed for hammering into a concrete surface

Presenting our ABS-Lock V-B anchorage point in moving images: Watch our short product video to find out more about its most important features!

Product information ABS-Lock V-B

This easy-to-install stainless steel anchorage point is simply embedded in a concrete surface using a special drive-in dowel (M10). Thanks to its discreet anchorage eyelet, this device, which can be used to secure 1 individual, is virtually indiscernable to the eye following installation.

  • EN 795:2012, A
  • Small and unobtrusive
  • Concrete ≥ C20/25
  • Incl. stainless steel installation set
Force Directions
Max. no. of users

Find out more about our ABS-Lock V-B Fall arrest device – simply hammer it in

Our ABS-Lock V-B anchorage device is designed for 1 individual. This fall arrest device, which is equipped with a discreet anchor tab, is unobtrusive to the eye and does not spoil the architectural design of your building. Our compact anchor weighs less than 40g. It is equpped with a drive-in dowel (M10) - making it extremely easy to install in concrete. Simply hammer the dowel into a 80 mm bore hole and tighten up the nut.

This anchorage device is tested to withstand axial and lateral loads. Our ABS-Lock V-B is also easy to install in a ceiling. A countered model is also available for steel structures.

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