ABS-Lock X-Flat
Anchorage point - designed for riveting onto a sandwich roof or trapezoidal sheeting

Image showing a lifeline system designed to prevent falls from on top of a container
A temporary lifeline system can be set up on a container by simply installing 2 ABS-Lock X-Flat anchors
Photo showing a worker on top of a freight container hooked up to an ABS-Lock X-Flat fall arrest anchor
When kept taut, a fall arrest lanyard hooked up to an ABS-Lock X-Flat anchor protects the user from falling off the edge of the container

Product information ABS-Lock X-Flat

This extremely flat stainless steel anchor does not get in the way when stacking containers. Combine 2 ABS-Lock X-Flat devices to create a temporary lifeline system. The anchor is riveted onto the subsurface from above using 14 watertight blind rivets. The integrated sealant tape prevents water from seeping in.

  • EN 795:2012, A + CEN/TS 16415:2017
  • Specially designed for sandwich and trapezoidal sheeting (positive/negative)
  • For steel plating ≥ 0.5 mm
  • Distance between the rows of pre-drilled holes: 180-250mm / 280-333 mm
  • Installation materials included
Force Directions
Max. no. of users

Find out more about our ABS-Lock X-Flat Anchorage point for containers

Our ABS-Lock X-Flat was developed for container usage and offers 2 separate anchorage options. This anchorage point is designed to secure individuals and is simply installed from above using 14 watertight blind rivets. As it is only a few millimeters thick, you can still stack your containers as usual once it has been installed.

Our anchorage device is suitable for simultaneous usage by 3 individuals and for all directions of load. All you need for a secure hold is a subsurface with a minimum depth of 0.45 mm (steel plating). Despite having to drill holes to insert the blind rivets, moisture is prevented from seeping into your containers: Our anchorage point is manufactured completely from corrosion-free stainless steel and includes an integrated seal.

Use our ABS-Lock X-Flat as a single anchorage point or upgrade it (in combination with a second ABS-Lock X-Flat) by adding a connector cable. This lets you use the device as a temporary lifeline system to provide even more manoevrability during container work.

Accessories / Components

Sharp edge-tested kernmantle cable with rope shortener, energy absorber and carabiner hook