Lanyard energy absorbers are the most common type of energy absorber around. They convert the kinetic energy generated by a fall and reduce the ensuing force to a maximum of 6 kN. A lanyard energy absorber consists of several layers of tape sewn on top of each other. In the case of a fall, these layers are stretched apart. This extension must be taken into account when used in an arresting system . Lanyard energy absorbers are manufactured according to the requirements set down in EN 361 and tested according to EN 364.
An unstretched lanyard energy absorber may be slightly extended by a maximum of 50 mm after having previously been subjected to a static load of 2 kN. In the event of a fall, it must be possible to stretch the lanyard energy absorber enough to be able to reduce the ensuing force to below 6 kN. The lanyard energy absorber may be stretched by a maximum of 1.75 m. A fully stretched lanyard energy absorber must withstand a static load of 15 kN and must on no account fail.
Normally, lanyard energy absorbers are integrated in connectors and guided type fall arresters . However, there are also modular systems available in which the sub-components are connected up to each other as required. In this case, it is absolutely vital to adhere to the user manual. Failing to do so would risk using the device incorrectly.
Energy absorbers are always attached directly to the user so that the force-reducing effect is passed straight on to this user and not interrupted by external influences (e.g. deflection of the cable).
When using an Y-connecter, particular care should be taken to ensure that the function of the lanyard energy absorber is not restricted through being handled incorrectly.
In addition, lanyard energy absorbers must not be used parallel to each other as this would stop them from working properly. If used incorrectly in this manner, it would no longer be possible to guarantee that the force of a fall would be reduced to 6 kN.