If you are looking for an easy-to-use anchorage device for gravel roofs, our ABS-Lock OnTop Weight is the perfect choice. The four aluminium struts of the lower section of the device are screwed to the stainless steel rod in no time at all. After that, all that is left to do is to bring the anchor into position, cover it with fleece and - to finish off - weigh it down with gravel. If the installation is done retrospectively, simply push the gravel aside at the appropriate spot and move your anchorage point for individuals into position. After that, push the roof covering back into place and your fall protection solution is ready to go. It is as simple as that.
As usual, both the rod and anchorage eyelet of our ABS-Lock OnTop Weight are made of robust stainless steel material. The laser-etched label is equally weather-resistant and provides all the required information on the product, manufacturer and usage as well as a Data Matrix Code that can be scanned using our Docu documentation app. After installation, this anchor - with its OnTop weights - secures 1 individual working on a flat roof surface.