ABS Guard Toeboard
Toeboard for ABS Guard OnTop guard rail systems

If there is no parapet around the edge of the roof, simply add this specially-designed toeboard to your ABS Guard OnTop guard rail system.
Allows thermal expansion of the protective railing baseboard.

Product information ABS Guard Toeboard

Add one of these toeboards, which are 150 mm high, to your ABS Guard OnTop guard rail system, if there is no parapet or similar skirting around the edge of the fall danger zone. This aluminium toeboard is 2500 mm long. The required installation set, which is made of high-quality stainless steel material, is included in the package.

  • 150 mm high
  • 2500 mm long
  • This toeboard is used, if there is no parapet or skirting around the edge (< 150 mm)
  • Optionally available: Toe Board Connector Pro

Find out more about our ABS Guard Toeboard No parapet? No problem - just use one of our toeboards

Our ABS Guard Toeboard is a 150 mm skirting board which was specially designed for our guard rail systems. You will need one of these skirting boards, if your edge is not protected, e.g. by a parapet. This toeboard is made of high-quality aluminium material and is simply attached to the posts of your guard rail system.

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