Safety systems

Lifeline systems

This type of fall protection system consists of a flexible stainless steel cable strung between at least two points - either vertically (vertical lifeline system) or horizontally (horizontal lifeline system).

Vertical lifeline systems

Vertical lifeline systems generally provide climbing protection and are often installed along the middle of a ladder. They are tested according to EN 353-1  "Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Part 1: Guided type fall arresters including a rigid anchor line". Further information on these systems can be found in our entries on vertical lifelines and guided type fall arresters.

Horizontal lifeline systems

Horizontal lifeline systems are mounted on a series of single attachment points - some of which act as end brackets and others as intermediate supports. In a lifeline system, the force distributed through the ground in the event of a fall is reduced through adding one or more force limiters. If your lifeline runs in a straight line, one single force limiter suffices. However, as soon as your lifeline goes around a corner, you will require two force limiters. The cable is tensioned using a tensioning element. If an end bracket or intermediate support is located at a corner, its needs to be reinforced. This prevents the anchorage point from buckling over time as a result of the force exerted on it through the taut cable.

Ideally, a lifeline system should be fully traversable. This allows gliders to be used that simply glide over the intermediate supports. This means that the users do not have to unhook their safety systems and attach them back up to pass a support but can remain secured all the time they are working.

Install your lifeline system overhead

Another advantage of horizontal lifeline systems is that they can also be installed overhead. On the one hand, they can be used as retention systems in narrow areas. On the other, when used correctly as an arresting system , a horizontal lifeline shortens a free fall, thus considerably reducing the ensuing force.

Mandatory label

Before using an anchorage device as a personal fall protection measure, its specification plate must be checked. This is a mandatory label which provides the user with the most important information on the system as well as important instructions on how to use it.