General terms

Thermal isolation

The term “thermal isolation” means avoiding a thermal bridge between two areas with a big difference in temperature. Where insulation material is installed on a facade or roof, in particular in the case of an energy-efficient building structure, the insulation is of paramount importance. Fixing an anchorage point to the building envelope in arrears can break through this insulation layer, if the metal of the anchorage point or system support inserted through it has a bridging effect. Heat is unintentionally conducted outwards, thus reducing the energy efficiency of the architectural structure.

Anchorage points with thermal isolation

Anchorage devices that have been specially designed for passive, energy-plus and similar buildings are equipped with synthetic components that act as spacers to prevent a thermal bridge being unintentionally created from the inside to the outside - without penetrating the insulation layer of the building envelope. These anchorage points for individuals are not based on a metal core running all the way through them but are instead equipped with synthetic parts which put a stop to unintentional thermal bridges.